Documentation for the Bottlerocket operating system

This section covers installing and using the Bottlerocket operating system. If you’re looking for information on building, contributing to, or learning about the inner workings of Bottlerocket, the GitHub repo has more information.


The Bottlerocket documentation is organized by minor version, with each minor release getting it’s own namespaced, version-specific section. Inside each version-specific sections are subsections which address specific tasks or categories of information.

The current documented versions:

Non-OS Bottlerocket projects are covered in other sections (Bottlerocket Update Operator documentation) or on their respective GitHub Repos1 (Control Container, Admin Container, Bottlerocket ECS Updater, etc.)

Something Missing?

Bottlerocket, like any operating system, is complex and rich with options and configuration. This documentation is open-source and likely incomplete, but will evolve over time to encompass a more complete explanation of the software. Should you find gaps, you’re invited to file issues or contribute.

  1. In the future, documentation on the use and installation of these tools may migrate to a new section on this site. ↩︎