You are viewing documentation for version 1.14.x. The most current version is 1.22.x.  This documentation is available for 1.22.x.


Settings related to Kubernetes (settings.kubernetes.*)

Topic list

Setting list for settings.kubernetes


Node labels & taints

You can use these optional settings to customize the node labels and taints.


Settings needed for aws-k8s-* variants

Required settings for Kubernetes variants in AWS. These settings are typically specified in user data.

See the EKS Quickstart and the EKS setup guide for more details on setting up Bottlerocket and Kubernetes on Amazon EKS.


Settings needed for metal-k8s-* variants

Required settings for Kubernetes bare metal variants. These settings are typically specified in user data.

See metal provisioning guide for more information.


Settings needed for vmware-k8s-* variants

Required settings for Kubernetes VMware variants. These settings are typically specified in user data.

See the VMware setup guide for more information.


Static Pods & standalone mode

You can also optionally specify static pods for your node. Static pods can be particularly useful when running in standalone mode.


Full Reference


Enables specified list of unsafe sysctls.

allowed-unsafe-sysctls = ["net.core.somaxconn", "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range"]
apiclient apply <<EOF
allowed-unsafe-sysctls = ["net.core.somaxconn", "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range"]
Also see: 


The cluster’s Kubernetes API endpoint. This is typically specified in user data.

Also see: 


The authentication method kubelet should use to connect to the API server, and for incoming requests.

Default: aws for AWS variants, tls for other variants

Also see: 


The token to use for TLS bootstrapping. Only used when settings.kubernetes.authentication-mode is set to tls (ignored otherwise).

Also see:

The cloud provider for the cluster.

Default: aws for AWS variants, external for other variants

Also see: 


The base64-encoded certificate authority of the cluster.

Also see: 


The IP of the DNS service running in the cluster. On AWS variants, this is derived from the EKS Service IP CIDR or the CIDR block of the primary network interface. This value can be set as a string containing a single IP address, or as a list containing multiple IP addresses.

# Valid, single IP
cluster-dns-ip = ""
# Also valid, multiple nameserver IPs
cluster-dns-ip = ["", ""]
Valid, single IP
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.cluster-dns-ip=""
Also valid, multiple nameserver IPs
apiclient apply <<EOF
cluster-dns-ip = ["", ""]
Also see: 


The DNS domain for the cluster, allowing all Kubernetes-run containers to search this domain before the host’s search domains

Default: cluster.local

Also see: 


The cluster name you chose during setup.

Also see: 


The maximum number of container log files that can be present for a container.

Also see: 


The maximum size of container log file before it is rotated.

Also see: 


Whether CPU CFS quotas are enforced

Default: true

Also see: 


Specifies the CPU manager policy. If you want to allow pods with certain resource characteristics to be granted increased CPU affinity and exclusivity on the node, you can set this setting to static. You should reboot if you change this setting after startup - try apiclient reboot

Default: none

Accepted values:
  • static
  • none
Also see: 


Policy options to apply when settings.kubernetes.cpu-manager-policy is set to static. There currently there is only one allowed option, so the default is implict if not the setting is not defined.

Accepted values:
  • full-pcpus-only
# When `settings.kubernetes.cpu-manager-policy` is set to `static`
cpu-manager-policy-options = ["full-pcpus-only"]
When `settings.kubernetes.cpu-manager-policy` is set to `static`
apiclient apply <<EOF
cpu-manager-policy-options = ["full-pcpus-only"]
Also see: 


Specifies the CPU manager reconcile period, which controls how often updated CPU assignments are written to cgroupfs. The value is a duration like 30s for 30 seconds or 1h5m for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

Also see: 


Contains a collection of Kubelet image credential provider settings. Each key under this setting is the name of the plugin to configure. See Example 1 below.

The ecr-credential-provider plugin can also be used for AWS IAM Roles Anywhere support. IAM Roles Anywhere is configured using the setting. The content of that setting needs to configure the credential_process using the aws_signing_helper using your IAM Roles Anywhere settings, see Example 2 below.

# Example 1: user data for configuring the `ecr-credential-provider` credential provider plug-in
enabled = true
# (optional - defaults to "12h")
cache-duration = "30m"
image-patterns = [
  # One or more URL paths to match an image prefix. Supports globbing of subdomains.

# The following are not used with ecr-credential-provider, but are provided for illustration
"KEY" = "abc123xyz"
# Example 2: `credential_process` using the `aws_signing_helper`
region = us-west-2
credential_process = aws_signing_helper credential-process --certificate /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem --private-key /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem --profile-arn [profile ARN]
   --role-arn [role ARN]
   --trust-anchor-arn [trust anchor ARN]
Also see: 

settings.kubernetes.<custom identifier>.enabled

Whether the static pod is enabled.

Also see: 

settings.kubernetes.<custom identifier>.manifest

A base64-encoded pod manifest.

Also see: 


The maximum size of a burst of event creations.

Also see: 


The maximum event creations per second.

Also see: 


The signals and thresholds that trigger pod eviction. Keys are signals and must be quoted since they contain a dot (.).

"memory.available" = "15%"
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.eviction-hard."memory.available"="15%"
Also see: 


Maximum grace period, in seconds, to wait for pod termination before soft eviction.

Default: 0

eviction-max-pod-grace-period = 40
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.eviction-max-pod-grace-period=40
Also see: 


The signals and thresholds that trigger pod eviction with a provided grace period (settings.kubernetes.eviction-soft-grace-period). Keys are signals and must be quoted since they contain a dot (.).

"memory.available" = "12%"
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.eviction-soft."memory.available"="12%"
Also see: 


Delay for each signal to wait for pod termination before eviction. Keys are signals and must be quoted since they contain a dot (.).

"memory.available" = "30s"
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.eviction-soft-grace-period."memory.available"="30s"
Also see: 


The node name kubelet uses as identification instead of the hostname or the name determined by the in-tree cloud provider if that’s enabled.

Also see: 


The percent of disk usage after which image garbage collection is always run, expressed as an integer from 0-100 inclusive.

If you downgrade from 1.14.0 to an earlier version, the values will be automatically converted to strings.

# After 1.14.0, the value can be represented as a integer or string for backwards compatiblity.
image-gc-high-threshold-percent = 85
# Before 1.14.0, the value must be represented as a string.
image-gc-high-threshold-percent = "85"
After 1.14.0, the value can be represented as a integer or string for backwards compatiblity.
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.image-gc-high-threshold-percent=85
Before 1.14.0, the value must be represented as a string.
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.image-gc-high-threshold-percent="85"
Also see: 


The percent of disk usage before which image garbage collection is never run, expressed as an integer from 0-100 inclusive.

If you downgrade from 1.14.0 to an earlier version, the values will be automatically converted to strings.

# After 1.14.0, the value can be represented as a integer or string for backwards compatiblity.
image-gc-low-threshold-percent = 80
# Before 1.14.0, the value must be represented as a string.
image-gc-low-threshold-percent = "80"
After 1.14.0, the value can be represented as a integer or string for backwards compatiblity.
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.image-gc-low-threshold-percent=80
Before 1.14.0, the value must be represented as a string.
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.image-gc-low-threshold-percent="80"
Also see: 


The burst to allow while talking with kubernetes.

Also see: 


The QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver.

Also see: 


Resources reserved for node components. The following keys are valid:

  • cpu: in millicores from the total number of vCPUs available on the instance.
  • memory: in mebibytes from the max num of pods on the instance. memory_to_reserve = max_num_pods * 11 + 255.
  • ephemeral-storage: defaults to 1Gi.

Also see: 


The logging verbosity of the kubelet process. Higher numbers enabling more verbose logging.

Default: 2

Also see: 


The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled on this node (limited by number of available IPv4 addresses).

Also see: 


The memory management policy to use: None or Static. When using the Static policy you should also set settings.kubernetes.memory-manager-reserved-memory values.

Default: None

Also see: 


Set the total amount of reserved memory for a node. settings.kubernetes.memory-manager-reserved-memory is set per NUMA node. These settings are used to configure memory manager policy when settings.kubernetes.memory-manager-policy is set to Static.

"memory-manager-policy" = "Static"

# Reserve a single 1GiB huge page along with 674MiB of memory
"enabled" = true
"memory" = "674Mi"
"hugepages-1Gi" = "1Gi"

# Reserve 1,074 2MiB huge pages
"enabled" = true
"hugepages-2Mi" = "2148Mi"
Also see: 


The IP address of the node.


Labels in the form of key, value pairs added when registering the node in the cluster.

label1 = foo
label2 = bar
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.node-labels.label1=foo \ 
Also see: 


Taints in the form of key, values and effects entries added when registering the node in the cluster.

dedicated = ["experimental:PreferNoSchedule", "experimental:NoExecute"]
special = ["true:NoSchedule"]
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.node-taints.dedicated=["experimental:PreferNoSchedule", "experimental:NoExecute"] \ 
Also see: 


The URI of the ‘pause’ container.

Also see: 


The maximum number of processes per pod.

Also see: 


The way an external provider identifies a node.

Also see: 


The maximum size of bursty pulls.

Also see: 


The registry pull QPS.

Also see: 


The base64 encoded content of an x509 certificate for the kubelet web server, which is used for retrieving logs and executing commands.

Also see: 


The base64 encoded content of an x509 private key for the kubelet web server.

Also see: 


Enables or disables server certificate bootstrap. When enabled, the kubelet will request a certificate from the API. This requires an approver to approve the certificate signing requests (CSR).

Default: true

Also see: 


Delay the node should wait for pod termination before shutdown.

Default: 0s

Also see: 


The portion of the shutdown delay that should be dedicated to critical pod shutdown. Default is 0s.

Default: false

Also see: 


Resources reserved for system components.

# Example user data for setting up system reserved
cpu = "10m"
ephemeral-storage = "1Gi"
memory = "100Mi"
Example user data for setting up system reserved
apiclient set settings.kubernetes.system-reserved.cpu="10m" \ 
 	settings.kubernetes.system-reserved.ephemeral-storage="1Gi" \ 
Also see: 


Specifies the topology manager policy.

Default: none

Accepted values:
  • none
  • restricted
  • best-effort
  • single-numa-node
Also see: 


Specifies the topology manager scope. If you want to group all containers in a pod to a common set of NUMA nodes, you can set this setting to pod.

Default: container

Accepted values:
  • container
  • pod
Also see: 

Some setting descriptions come from the Kubelet Configuration or Kubelet Options documentation.